Tuesday 9 September 2008

Ezetimibe And Cancer Link Still Not Clear Say Experts

�The link between cholesterol-lowering drug ezetimibe (marketed as Vytorin) and cancer is still not clear, wrote the editors of the leading medical
journal New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). More time is needed to assess the drug, they said, and in the meantime patients and
doctors will suffer to live with the uncertainty.

The editorial appears in the online first second September topic of NEJM, along with a report of the SEAS clinical trial of lipid-lowering therapy
which tested the combination of zocor and ezetimibe compared with placebo on the incidence of cardiovascular events in older the great unwashed with
aortic valve stenosis (abnormal narrowing of the gist valve that lets ancestry into the aorta).

While the trial establish that the treatment did not halt aortic stricture or demo impact on cardiovascular events in general (apart from one or two
exceptions), it showed an unexpected result in adverse events, where in that respect appeared to be a rise in cancer relative incidence and cancer deaths in the
discussion group compared to the placebo group.

This would make sense, since the way ezetimibe kit and caboodle is to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the gut, which could also step in with the
absorption of other substances that affect cancer growth.

However, the SEAS researchers suggested that the higher incidence of malignant neoplastic disease in the treatment group could be due to chance, merely agreed further studies
should look into it. A group of epidemiologists from Oxford University did look into it by using the SEAS data and supplementing it with information from deuce
other on-going studies on ezetimibe, SHARP and IMPROVE-IT, which although had shorter follow ups than the four years in the SEAS trial, were
much larger and gave more cancer data. They then examined the three sets of data to see if the imbalance in incident cancers and cancer deaths
from the SEAS trial was replicated in the other two trials.

The Oxford group's analysis failed to confirm the step-up in incident cancer constitute in the SEAS test, but it did confirm the nonsignificant increase in
cancer deaths. Their sketch is also reported in the 2nd September issue of NEJM.

The editors pointed prohibited that it was crucial to note that piece cancer mortality is an end point that one would look to be reliable, none of the trials
was designed to assess this as a primary final result.

When the Oxford grouping combined the data on cancer deaths from the three trials (SEAS, SHARP, and IMPROVE-IT), they found an step-up in jeopardy
of cancer the Crab death in the combined ezetimibe groups (134 versus 92 deaths in controls, showing a risk ratio of 1.45 and an uncorrected P=0.007).

But the Oxford group aforesaid it believed this finding was strictly due to chance and could non be a real climb in cancer death risk because if that were the
example then there should have been a corresponding go up in malignant neoplastic disease incidence.

Again, the editors cautioned that because the test of statistical significance, P, comes from an analysis that combines information from studies with different
objectives, it should be interpreted carefully. They wrote that although the Oxford researchers may ultimately be proved right, patients and doctors
should be cautious because it is not clear whether the increased risk of death is due to chance or not. Because of the way it affects assimilation of
chemicals in the gut, ezetimibe may well affect the balance of cancer fixing substances too.

"The fact that the combined data from all ternion trials showed an increment in crab mortality with ezetimibe should not be assumed to be a chance
finding until further data are in," wrote the editors.

The editors aforementioned the SHARP and IMPROVE-IT trials must go on and there should be careful espouse up of the patients. These and other trials yielding
information on ezetimibe treatments should be analyzed for cancer-related results, they wrote, and mentioned that the US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) had plans to carry out its own analysis.

"Ezetimibe and Cancer -- An Uncertain Association."

Drazen, Jeffrey M., D'Agostino, Ralph B., Ware, James H., Morrissey, Stephen, Curfman, Gregory D.
N Engl J Med 2008 0: NEJMe0807200; published online low 2 September 2008.

Click here for the full Editorial.

Sources: NEJM.

Written by: Catharine Paddock, PhD

Copyright: Medical News Today

Not to be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today

More information

Thursday 21 August 2008

Duffy Fears Old Friends Will Think She's Become A Diva

Duffy says she's scared about reverting to her home town of Nefyn in Wales in case people cogitate she has changed.

The isaac Bashevis Singer, who has enjoyed a whirlwind 2008 in both the UK and America, believes the town will be selfsame different when she returns.

�In my mind it hasn�t changed a bit � everyone is still drunkenness in the same bar, dancing in the same club, citizenry are placid in the same darts team,� she told the Daily Star.

�We have a man who whole caboodle in the local chippie called Dick Fish because in Wales they call you by what you do � so I�m Duffy Cantores, which substance singer.

�But I�m freaking kayoed that when I go back the great unwashed will think I�ve changed. Everyone has been so supportive I don�t want them to feel let down.�

Duffy pulled one of the biggest crowds when she performed at the V Festival in Staffordshire and Chelmsford last weekend.

You can see full photograph highlights from both legs of the V Festival below:

V Festival 2008 � Day One, Staffordshire � CLICK HERE
V Festival 2008 � Day One, Chelmsford � CLICK HERE
V Festival 2008 � Day Two, Staffordshire � CLICK HERE
V Festival 2008 � Day Two, Chelmsford � CLICK HERE

You rear see highlights from Duffy's set in Staffordshire below.

Duffy � V Festival 2008, Staffordshire

More info

Monday 11 August 2008


Artist: Gershwin



Porgy and Bess   
 Porgy and Bess

Tracks: 6


Wednesday 2 July 2008

Michael Sandler and Musir Von Vidalia

Michael Sandler and Musir Von Vidalia   
Artist: Michael Sandler and Musir Von Vidalia




   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 6


Matthew Rhys - Rhys Disastrous Dates

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Crimson Glory

Crimson Glory   
Artist: Crimson Glory

   Metal: Progressive
   Metal: Heavy


Astronomica CD2 - Live   
 Astronomica CD2 - Live

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 3

Astronomica CD1   
 Astronomica CD1

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 10


   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 10

Strange and Beautiful   
 Strange and Beautiful

   Year: 1991   
Tracks: 11


   Year: 1988   
Tracks: 10

Crimson Glory   
 Crimson Glory

   Year: 1986   
Tracks: 8

The progressive metal band Crimson Glory formed in Florida in 1982. Vocalist Midnight, guitarists Jeff Drenning and Ben Jackson, bassist Jeff Lords and drummer Dana Burnell had played together for over three geezerhood earlier Roadrunner signed the band and released the Crimson Glory record album in 1986. The record album received good reviews, prompting MCA to pick up the mathematical group for 1988's Transcendence. Burnell and Jackson were dumped shortly afterward the album's sack, and the duo later on resurfaced as the heavy metal lot Parish, releasing Envision on Alfa Records. Crimson Glory then recruited drummer Ravi Jakhorta for 1991's Unknown & Beautiful; afterward the sessions were complete, Midnight left wing the mathematical group, which briefly forged on with new singer David Van Landing before breakage up. Van Landing, Drenning, Lords and Jakhorta eventually reformed as Erotic Liquid Culture; when Van Landing exited, the odd triple recruited isaac Merrit Singer Wade Black and guitar player Billy Martinez to reunite under the Crimson Glory auspices, issue Astronomica in 1999.

Album Chart: Big debut for Usher's 'Here I Stand'

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Blood Stain Child

Blood Stain Child   
Artist: Blood Stain Child




   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 12


   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 12

Mystic Your Heart   
 Mystic Your Heart

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 10

Silence of Northern Hell   
 Silence of Northern Hell

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 7


Micheal Shrieve

Micheal Shrieve   
Artist: Micheal Shrieve




   Year: 1989   
Tracks: 7